After a long wait, you’ve finally been accepted to a great university. You’re going to be off to college, to have the time of your life. But wait, why does it still feel incomplete after all this? Your mind now wanders to the long and disappointing hunt for student accommodation that follows this good news.
The year 2020 has not been the best for students living abroad. Many are still stuck in their homes away from home, due to the coronavirus situation. Since lesser people are opting to travel to study abroad this year, it’s easier to find well-suited student accommodation for yourself.
Here are 5 ways to ensure you get the best deal on your student accommodation UK:
Make Safety a Priority: As the world is trying to recover from the damage caused by the novel coronavirus, it has learnt its lesson. Humans are now more cautious than ever when it comes to health and safety. So, don’t forget to include this as your top priority when looking for a suitable student accommodation facility. Most places are now bound by government guidelines that have made hand sanitizers and other safety measures a compulsion. In the UK, it is mandatory for every passenger from abroad to self isolate for 14 days. So, make sure your student accommodation UK makes the isolation period easy on you by providing you with all the essentials you need.
Keep Looking: It may seem ideal to jump in and finalize one of your initial finds, but trust us to keep on looking. There are always better options available. To skip the hassle of looking for student accommodations some students simply choose to live in university housing, making many compromises. The key is to continue the house hunt until you find the right one! Student accommodation in London has a wide variety for you to explore.
A Flexible Cancellation Policy: In times of uncertainty, like the ones we are living in, and easy cancellation policy can help you save big bucks. Cancellation policies will come in use if unfortunate situations arise and you’re unable to make it to university this year. Most student accommodation London facilities have now introduced cancellation policies that will help the students make better and choices. Student accommodation at Best Student Halls has several cancellation policies, discounts and cash backs that will prove beneficial to you.
Proximity to the University: You will soon realize the importance of having your student accommodation situated closer to your university. Not only does skipping commute leave you with more time in hand, but will also help you save money. A win-win! Moreover, most universities are well connected with public transport. So, should you need to go to the marketplace or access the city centre from the student accommodation London, you can simply hop on to a bus and reach your destination.
Don’t Settle: Keep in mind that your student accommodation is going to be your home for an extended period. So, make sure you are completely satisfied with the room. Apart from that, you also need to ensure your rooms are equipped with modern amenities for you to live there comfortably.
Student accommodation UK at Best Student Halls comes fully equipped with modern facilities like high-speed Wi-Fi, heating, cable TV services and recreational centres, so you can have a great time.